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Computer Glasses For Digital Eye Strain

You’ve heard of reading glasses. You’ve heard of sunglasses. But what are computer glasses?

Have your eyes ever felt tired and itchy after a long day of working in front of a computer screen? Or maybe you’ve been having more headaches than usual, or your vision gets blurry at some point in the workday? These are symptoms of digital eye strain, and one way to put a stop to them is by wearing computer glasses.

Reading Glasses Versus Computer Glasses

When we use computers, they tend to be farther away from our eyes than we would hold a book, which puts them in the intermediate zone where reading glasses don’t help as much. If you wear trifocals, that narrow strip for intermediate vision may not be large enough to be comfortable over longer periods of screen time.

Computer glasses essentially do the same thing as reading glasses, but they are designed to help specifically with intermediate vision. Their magnification power should correspond to how close you prefer to sit to your screen.

Lens Tints And Coatings

Maybe it isn’t the distance of the screen that gives you trouble, but the bright light you have to stare at for hours to do your work. Well, computer glasses can help with that too! That’s where tints and special coatings come in, such as anti-reflective coating to eliminate glare, photochromic lenses to shield your eyes from blue light, or even lenses in a different color.

Before You Buy Your Pair…

Computer glasses are a great way to minimize or eliminate the effects of digital eye strain. However, just as you would before getting a new pair of regular prescription glasses, make sure you get an eye exam before you buy your own computer glasses. Digital eye strain is a common eye problem for office workers, but it isn’t the only one.

Let’s Find The Best Computer Glasses For You!

If the problem you’re dealing with really is digital eye strain, then it will be better to have a custom pair of computer glasses that specifically addresses your needs from tint to prescription, rather than just grabbing a pair from a drugstore like you might do for reading glasses. We look forward to helping you get the perfect pair of computer glasses!

We want all our patients to be able to see comfortably and clearly while they work!

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.